New High Density Slag Breakwater Armour Unit

Posted 28-02-2018
Category Research

Break Water Armour Unit Fly Ash and Slag

The predicted rise of the sea level, coupled with the increasing frequency of massive storms due to global warming has become a real issue for Australian coastline protection. Meeting the challenge of 'adaption' to these changing climate conditions afford an excellent opportunity to capitalise on the research focus of 'Program 1 Integrated Building Systems' within the CRC-LCL.  This strategic adaptation response will use innovative Geopolymer Concrete design concepts.

Existing Australian breakwater structures are under stress and infrastructure and habitations areas are now at risk if new innovative, long-term, cost-effective solutions are not identified. The project aims to develop a high-density geopolymer concrete breakwater armour units which deliver higher density per cubic meter (dematerialisation), use innovative lower embodied carbon materials, which realise lower constructability costs.

The high density is achieved by using Steel Furnace Slag (SFS) aggregates. Indeed, SFS aggregate density is about 25% greater than the one of natural aggregates commonly used in concrete. The gain in concrete density is about 20%, reaching 2.7t/m3. 

More information from project coordinator Pref Steven Foster from UNSW will be provided in the upcoming edition of Connections May.


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