In 1990, various members representing producers, processors, marketers, customers and suppliers of iron and steel slags founded the Australasian (iron & steel) Slag Association (ASA). Adopting a similar operating model used by the National Slag Association based in the USA, the ASA has since forged its own operating model and governance structure to meet the needs of an evolving and complex operating environment in Australia. The video below highlights the multiple uses and types of slag products:
The Association's foundational objectives were initially to conduct research of common interest to members and present the findings and technical information to support the beneficial use of iron and steel slags in the construction materials and other potential end-use industries. Today the Association has four (4) major planks which underpin its strategic plan with objectives for Membership, Advocacy, Education and Technical Literature.
In choosing a name for the Association, the term ‘Australasian’ was used to recognise the Association’s reach and acknowledge the members scattered across the region, namely Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and Malaysia.
Through its research and facilitation of information interchange activities between relevant stakeholders, the Association continues to increase the recognition and understanding of the beneficial use of iron and steel slags amongst industry members, government and the community.
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